Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Jewish God, Christian God, and Muslim God... I was reading in Revelations tonight and it was talking about the 'jews' (I'm not 100% sure if that's a dirogotory term for people who are of Jewish while I may use that in my blog I mean absolutly no disrespect what so ever) and I got to thinking.

Jesus was a Jew..(duh moment) so does that mean that Jews and Christians worship the same God? I've been told that the Islamic god isn't the same god (which kinda reminds me of idols)... but because Jesus was a Jew does that mean that Christians and Jews are "on the same team"?

So..because Jews are on our "team" does that mean they'll go to heaven even though they don't regard Jesus as God to? (Another note: I'm not a scholar on everything I am saying about the Jewish faith is speculation)

Just a thought that I'll keep pressing on about. I know that different religions are formed through a whole lotta truth and a little bit of false. I know my way..I know my path..but it's just a thought.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My life altering decisions...

Two days ago I decided that after obtaining my diploma in Business at NBCC Moncton I am going to continue on at ABU and finish my degree. According to a fellow student I get full credits at ABU for all of my courses....and because we take more courses per year than ABU students do..I have all two years covered and part of my third year. SWEET. I'm a bit worried about the courses like History and Religious Studies that I have to take but I'm sure it'll be fine..

Again..I'm not 100% sure about the whole creditation thing..but it's something I'll look into..

Best part..

I get to be a youth leader for THREE more years..not one. You don't realize how excited that makes me!

It's nice making life altering decisions..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My thoughts on...Pesticides..

1. Keep bugs from getting in my food
2. Keep fugusis (yeah I know it should be fungi) away from my food
3. Help my veggies grow bigger
4. keep the cost down

I think of pesticides like this...they're only going to get worse. Therefore I should eat foods with lots of pesticides so that I become immune to it's bad effects..


I would also like to document a disturbance up stairs...never know when I'm gonna need to call the police. :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Hardest part about being a youth leader... knowing that some of my girls aren't living for God. Knowing...that they may have to face a ton of trials and strifes before finally accepting God. Knowing..that they're making a lot of wrong decisions right now, and will continue to do so until they know God's love. Knowing..that right now I'm only sowing a seed...and not harvesting the plant..

I want to give kudos to all of my Jr High Youth Leaders. Sometimes the maturity level of Jr's just isn't there. They seem to make decisions that are "what we want to hear". How many kids told their youth leaders that they accepted Jesus because they heard P. Mark was taking the ones that did out for Pizza? It's really hard to follow up on their decisions when you see them consistantly living their life "oppposite-ly" (did I just make up a word? or did I just spell it wrong) . The thing is that I'm being TOTALLY human right now. I bet Jesus didn't have one stinking problem with this issue...partly because He is God..and He knew what they were thinking...and He knew what they needed and He could show them things that would help/make them believe. Also, it's a completely judgemental thing to say that someone's living their life consistantly opposite to what God wants...partially that's my fault for not showing them in love that it's wrong..and partially theirs for knowing that it's wrong and doing it anyway.

It's really hard to preach the gospel to people who aren't really interested, but come because of the fun things we do and the friends that are there. I think it's awesome that they come the church is doing a really good job at that (even though our numbers have been down..A LOT minus yesterday)....I'm just seeing a lack of growth (and that's in my position so I'm sure that other leaders have seen great growth...) and I'm wondering how I can help that?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

CRAZY Youth night!

We have now reached a youth group of approximately 675! Yes that's right Xtreme youth went XTREME tonight! Although we're not consistantly reaching 675..tonight that's how many were at youth. Tonight was P. Mark's Battle of the bands that brought in approximatley 600 teens from around Moncton. It brought in every type of person: Emo, Punk, Preppy, Jocks, and the Inbetweens..which is SO awesome. With that many people you would have thought that many things would have been vandalized..but no..4 communion cup holders were broken..but I guess that, that happens on a normal youth night. We joked around that more people got hurt bowling (we took the Jr Highs there instead..). Poor Mitch Casey fell and busted open his knee so bad Jazi threw up and he had to get stiches. We also joked that there was more "sexed" things at Burger King. There was a girl who's pants were so low..when she stood up normal you could see her underwear..(sheesh) and I guess there was NOTHING at the Battle of the Bands. Man, all I did was help clean up and I am so pumped! I'm excited about the next one (hopefully I can go!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Surfin around blog sites..and I found this...I like it..

I will purpose to be a complete package, not just for a man but for myself as well. I will rejoice in all the unique gifts I have as a woman and glorify God by utilizing my talents and abilities to the utmost.

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10)

I will purpose to be patient and wait until I can see the whole picture before making decisions that can affect the rest of my life and the quality of it.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

I will not rush through the seasons of my life, but will give my full attention to the tasks and opportunities at hand.

I will make no instantaneous decisions or allow my emotions to run ahead of my mind.
I will trust God with the timing of delivering my heart's desires, according to His knowledge of my needs.

I will remain open and transparent in my relationships, as well as accountable to those who are in authority over me. I will receive and weigh their counsel carefully before moving forward according to my feelings.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

i love how the Lord provides for his children

So I went shopping this week..great right..I did need new I got three...110 dollars!!!!!

Crazy I know..but they looked good! (haha) It wouldn't have been too bad..but then this week seems to have been an expensive week...groceries were more expensive..and I decided to have a party I need to buy some pop and chips ATLEAST...I was talking to dad and he asked if I wanted more money for the week...and I said no. I would wait until the end of the month and if I needed it for rent then I would ask for it.

Today I realized..there's 5 Mondays in May..not 4...:):) that means that I have one extra pay cheque...which also means that I can pay my rent over the next 3 weeks instead of 2..WHICH MEANS..the cash flow is not AS restricted as it would have been!

Praise God!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

1 Corinthians 13

The love chapter..

But look at something a bit different then what we're use to reading...

Verse 8:
"Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."

I was talking with some of my friends today, and most of them are JW's (Jehovah Witness's). They definetly got me thinking about my faith, and what I believe. One thing that JW's are FAMOUS for is knowing their stuff. Francess is not an exception. She has verses to back up what she believes, and thoughts to ponder that REALLY get you thinking.

The first thought was this:
Christmas, Halloween, and Birthdays..they all BEGAN as pagan holidays and then Christians turned them into Christian holidays so that the converted pagans could still celebrate their holiday with a Christian meaning. (Which I think is a good idea..reach the people in a real and relevant way). Francess states: As Christians why would we want to celebrate what is essentially a pagan holiday?

The second was like this:
In 1Corinthians 12:8 it says that tounges will cease. She states that means that speaking in tounges is no longer...real (for lack of better words). This came over one of our friends stating that speaking in tounges is weird, and I commenting that it's not if you know where it's coming form and you respect it.

I'd like to say that I'm not doubting...but am I? I think that as Christians we shouldn't just take what people say for face value. Whether it be a pastor..or someone of another religion. I'm not asking for opinions..but biblical proof.

Why should we celebrate Christmas?
Is speaking in tounges is applicable to my life today?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I have a a massive problem.

I've ALWAYS been the type of person that receives her engery from being around large groups of people. My problem is that once I become friends with people I eventually become very anoyed with them...

RIGHT NOW EVERYTHING IS SO ANOYING! People that I love..anoy me. It's really sad because how the heck am I suppose to maintain relationships with people when I get anoyed with them. What makes it worse is that when I get anoyed I tend to shy away from people. I get in very "unpeople" moods. It definetly breaks relationships.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

New Blog

I find that I have the most rockin' devotions when someone quotes a bible verse and I's kinda cool.

Last Sunday at The Secret Place (really cool..check it out!) a guy there talked about Hebrews Chapter 11 and said "and the world was not worthy of them"....



It was talking about all of these famous guys in the bible..and it said..the world was not worthy of them..

Is it wrong that I'm trying to live this week so that the world is not worthy of me? Am I putting myself on the same playing field as Abraham and "the greats" (don't worry..I know they're not as great as Jesus) What do you guys think?

Also, I wanted to include a quote that I made up..

That which you can hold in your hand, can be taken away.

Tonight I also went to the Dinner Theater at the MW church tonight. It was cute! BEST PART EVER..Andrea Price did her "argggg" and the top half of her sword went flying off and hit someone (maybe..if not it was close)..she was SUPER embarassed! Her face went bright red..but it was cute..

Hey Audrey..I'm staying in Moncton next weekend...lets do something!


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hebrews 11: 14-16

Reading my devotions tonight I came across this verse (I should be in if this isn't coherent please pray for me! lol)

"People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead they were longing for a better country--a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them."

My thoughts:

How often do new Christians (and sometimes old Christians too well set in their ways) think about all the things that they gave up (their old land)..and I really wonder how often do they get almost to their new land (freedom) and then turn around and run back to their old land (what they "gave up"). Thinking right now, I can see it happening to people that I know and love dearly. I saw it in myself when I struggled with my unmentionable sin. Commonly we use the phrase "giving it to God and then taking it back again" we not realize that when we get to's more wonderful and glorious than we know. And GOD MADE IT FOR US! (Hebrews 11: 16)

God's cool!