Friday, May 25, 2007

Where does faith and practicality fit in?

I've been reading in Romans where Paul is really bragging up Abraham. (Romans 4 more specifically).

I would consider myself to be a practical girl. I generally make wise decisions based on the future consequences, talk myself out of an emotional state (or I'm smart enough to know that I should stay away from people), and when something needs to be done there's no excuses-- it gets done.

I then read about Abraham God told him that he was going to be a father of many and then Sarah was infertile and by the time that he became a father he was an old man. (very shortened version)

I think that in that situation I would've had been practical. I wouldn't have had faith and I would've easily passed off God's word to me as something that was mistaken, or maybe I misintrepreted. Now a days a woman at the age of 45 having a child is almost impossible (especially if there is no fertility treatments) not to mention dangerous to the mother. If I were Sarah I would've had a similar reaction: "Really?! Me?! This old?!" I would've doubted Abraham, my husband, and in turn doubted God because it just isn't practical.

I will revisit this post hopefully tonight. Lunch is over :) See you then!


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