Monday, March 26, 2007


The past few weeks have been really intense weeks, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. College is retarded and very stressful and when I get stressed out I always focus on the most "important" or what needs to be done right away. My devotional life has gone out the window. When I look through my journal my last devotion was February! Yikes! Isn't it funny that even though I know how important devotions are I'm not currently doing them? Oh, trust me I've suffered but even still, in my own stupidity, I don't do my devotions. In my own stupidity they were the FIRST thing to go. I was driving around the other day singing Christian songs and I felt so FAKE. It was an experience that I've never felt before. Just 100% fake.

The devil is not stupid. Sometimes when I think about God I only think about how awesome He is, and how strong HE is but yet I forget about how cunning the devil is and how the devil has tricked people way smarter and more important than me into following him. I have never had such huge periods of doubt to the point where I'm really questioning it all.

I've always believed that questioning what you believe is super important and absolutely necessary to stay "on fire" but I've come to the point where I just keep reminding myself to not do something stupid that's going to completely wreck my testimony or the opportunities that God has placed in my life. One of my biggest doubts is why Christians today are "New Testament" Christians. Why aren't we following the Old Testament? I know that Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law not break it, but I don't understand how following Jesus means not following the Old Testament too. I also know that if I had to do the things that they did in the Old Testament then I probably wouldn't be a Christian. Stoning people isn't my idea of fun.

I know the problem. I know the cure. I know that I lack the energy, the time, and the desire to spend time fixing it. It's become the last thing on the list to do on a list of so many unimportant things.

Don't give me the line "God only wants a relationship with you. Don't worry about the rules". It's beyond this. I admit, I try to force my relationship with God. I admit that I don't have life together and I admit that often I PRETEND that I have life together. I also will NEVER say that a relationship with God is about rules. I am 100% against that. There is nothing that you HAVE to do to be a Christian (except admit that you're a sinner), but I also believe that once you get closer to God you're going to want to do the things that please him. I also know that you're doing no one any favours by becoming a stronger Christian (except those that you might lead to Christ and that's not by you, that's by God's doing) and you're only hurting yourself by staying a baby Christian for life.

but not my will...but Yours....


At 8:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a lot like you right now... i go home and im exhausted not to mention im only home like 2 days a week anyways.... well i do sleep there but im not home past like 9 or 9:30... sometimes 10 if im working! So when i get home i have hwk... and talk to my rents! by the time my bed time rolls around my eyes are already shut and im out like a light the minute i hit the pillow! and my devo life.... it sucks.... and im soo hungry and i want more.... but i just cant get into the rhythm of it.. i cant get it.. i love GOD's word and want more..... but... its so hard to do it.... i just have to i know lol....but im suffering and i want to start... but i just keep stopping.. so carnially i think whats the point...but i know spiritually that its important lol...
its a mind over matter attitude and phylosophy i think
but i love you lots... g2g thought i would share that and maybe we can help each other out with this :)

At 4:11 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

I would love to help you out with this, but one thing that I have learned is that two people who are struggling with the same thing cannot help one another. Who can help someone else if they can't help themselves?

At 3:29 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes and i agree... however accountablitity does help in some ways.... meh! lol


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