Sunday, February 04, 2007

Day 6

I am really blessed for where I live. I'm not talking about Moncton..if anything this is a "I'm so blessed because...but I really hate my current circumstance".

Where I live everyone waves to everyone (and I'm dead serious when I say this). When I was little I would ask my dad who he just waved at and he would say that he didn't know. He would tell me that he didn't know more often then he knew who it was. I live in a super friendly community! We also have driveways long enough to accomdate everyone that lives with us and then some. My driveway is a road (seriously) and I didn't have to walk down it until my senior year in high school to catch the bus. We also have sections of our property that are like parking lots to our warehouses (actually, they're bigger than most parking lots in Moncton).

If you haven't guessed it yet..I am complaning about my parking situation. The way it works is that I can't park in the driveway because the three drivers in the house have such different schedules that we'd be constantly trying to figure out who goes in first. And the middle of winter if I get home at 9:00 you don't want to have to walk out and park your car in the drive way so that I'm not blocking you in. Also, in the middle of winter I don't want to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go park on the street.

What I have been doing is during the week parking at the apartments across from my school and then on Saturday nights I park at the little strip mall next door to my house. Being parking somewhere that you're essentially not paying to park in is a SIN! I've always moved my car when it snowed (minus 2 times maybe) and never park at the strip mall during the week because there would be people showing up to purchase things before I could move my car. Is that not fair?

Last night I went to park my car at the strip mall and they were cleaning out the parking lot. So I was being nice (honestly I didn't want them to plow my car into a bank) and I went over to ask if I was out of the road. They then proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't park there and that they're going to call the owner of the building and tell him that I've been parking there.

Now you're probably saying..just go talk to the owner. Which I did last year when he showed up when I was moving my car. He said it was okay and asked me to park on the side because people were going to be showing up for church. I proceeded to tell him that I always leave before the people for church show up (my church starts at 9:15; there's 10:30) and would rather leave my car out in the light and where people (cops) could be driving by at any time. To which he agreed.

BUT..I'm a worrier..honestly he could decide that he doesn't want me to park there any more. I guess in just made me really miss home. I'm also worried about talking to him because I really don't understand city people. They're all about suing and bylaws..and all that junk. I didn't know until I turned 19 that if you park on the street you have to be facing the way the traffic is going! Nor did I know that you couldn't park on the street. STUPID BY-LAWS!

Anyway...going to do homework...

I wish someone would comment on my blog once and awhile...that would make me happier..




At 10:56 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your parking situation :(.... i wish i could help? lol... too bad land wasnt move able... then you could just move some of your land to park in (that sounds so dumb but.. lol... oh well) anyways...
that is one thing i love about CC and Knoxford... ppl waving! its sooo friendly :) i was driving there actually that night i went to your house and ppl waved and i was like yay!!! :) it doesnt happen much on the highway....maybe thats a good thing? lol
luv you lots :)

At 8:51 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

It actually turned out okay..but I'm currently in a bit of a "down" nothing could go right even if I won the lottery!

But I do miss home A LOT especially right now...11 weeks left!!!

At 2:07 a.m., Blogger sibbie751 said...

Hey's a comment to make you smile. Because I thought of you today and smiled. I was thinking about how you've got an enthusiastic attitude that is second to none. You're on my short list of cool chicas.


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