Thursday, May 25, 2006

My life altering decisions...

Two days ago I decided that after obtaining my diploma in Business at NBCC Moncton I am going to continue on at ABU and finish my degree. According to a fellow student I get full credits at ABU for all of my courses....and because we take more courses per year than ABU students do..I have all two years covered and part of my third year. SWEET. I'm a bit worried about the courses like History and Religious Studies that I have to take but I'm sure it'll be fine..

Again..I'm not 100% sure about the whole creditation thing..but it's something I'll look into..

Best part..

I get to be a youth leader for THREE more years..not one. You don't realize how excited that makes me!

It's nice making life altering decisions..


At 2:13 a.m., Blogger Caolinn said...

That's great, I'd love to be a youth leader!


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