Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Hardest part about being a youth leader... knowing that some of my girls aren't living for God. Knowing...that they may have to face a ton of trials and strifes before finally accepting God. Knowing..that they're making a lot of wrong decisions right now, and will continue to do so until they know God's love. Knowing..that right now I'm only sowing a seed...and not harvesting the plant..

I want to give kudos to all of my Jr High Youth Leaders. Sometimes the maturity level of Jr's just isn't there. They seem to make decisions that are "what we want to hear". How many kids told their youth leaders that they accepted Jesus because they heard P. Mark was taking the ones that did out for Pizza? It's really hard to follow up on their decisions when you see them consistantly living their life "oppposite-ly" (did I just make up a word? or did I just spell it wrong) . The thing is that I'm being TOTALLY human right now. I bet Jesus didn't have one stinking problem with this issue...partly because He is God..and He knew what they were thinking...and He knew what they needed and He could show them things that would help/make them believe. Also, it's a completely judgemental thing to say that someone's living their life consistantly opposite to what God wants...partially that's my fault for not showing them in love that it's wrong..and partially theirs for knowing that it's wrong and doing it anyway.

It's really hard to preach the gospel to people who aren't really interested, but come because of the fun things we do and the friends that are there. I think it's awesome that they come the church is doing a really good job at that (even though our numbers have been down..A LOT minus yesterday)....I'm just seeing a lack of growth (and that's in my position so I'm sure that other leaders have seen great growth...) and I'm wondering how I can help that?


At 11:17 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Forgive me for bad spelling and puncuation.

and if you can't forgive me...I'll pray for you..:)

At 7:48 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Nope..I'm coming home in about three weeks!



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