Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Jewish God, Christian God, and Muslim God... I was reading in Revelations tonight and it was talking about the 'jews' (I'm not 100% sure if that's a dirogotory term for people who are of Jewish while I may use that in my blog I mean absolutly no disrespect what so ever) and I got to thinking.

Jesus was a Jew..(duh moment) so does that mean that Jews and Christians worship the same God? I've been told that the Islamic god isn't the same god (which kinda reminds me of idols)... but because Jesus was a Jew does that mean that Christians and Jews are "on the same team"?

So..because Jews are on our "team" does that mean they'll go to heaven even though they don't regard Jesus as God to? (Another note: I'm not a scholar on everything I am saying about the Jewish faith is speculation)

Just a thought that I'll keep pressing on about. I know that different religions are formed through a whole lotta truth and a little bit of false. I know my way..I know my path..but it's just a thought.


At 3:36 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Don't rush out and comment on my blog! lol My question was answered..quite well in fact..


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