Sunday, August 21, 2005

I'm an official resident on Moncton!

To all of you freaking out thinking that I am no longer in Carleton County....I fear. I guess the more approprate title is "My Belongings are Official Residents of Moncton". Today my mom, dad, and I moved my stuff to Moncton. It was a long very amazingly long ride (3 hrs) to Moncton and back...but I have most of my stuff ready. For me to walk in and hang my OWN PLACE. Well, it's not really my own place, but Im bording, in the basement, by myself.

I'm moving for real on the Thursday before the Stones Concert. No, I am not going. I just want to beat all of the crazy goons going to the Concert to moncton so they don't kill me trying to get there.

I bought a super sweet chair at Pier 1...super expensive but if you ever come to my apartment you have to sit in it. Also, I am currently taking up a collection for my good friend J-RO. He needs his hair dyed...also anyone willing to work for him for one day so I could do'd be of God.

So here's the big thing for today. My landlord has kinda made it appear that she hates anyone who's "rich" (I use that term loosely because most people that you see today that you'd say were rich really aren't, they're in debt up to their eyeballs). If you know me, you know that I live comfortably. I really really hope that I don't walk around pretending that I'm "rich" cause the only thing that I really have to boast about is Jesus Christ and what He has done. If you think that I do that, as much as I would be upset, I need you to tell me because as a child of the King, I really need to watch how I present myself. Well,my landlord went on to talk about that her parents never bought her a car (I recieved a car for my 16th birthday it was a 1993 Crown Victoria....very modest car and hopefully I'll be getting a new car soon. Oh yeah...1993 Crown Victoria for Sale 1500) and how she had to buy everything herself. Well, my parents went out and bought me a brand new bed (that's as hard as a rock...willing to trade) and a new chair that I have wanted forever!! Yes, the chair was expensive, although the matress was not, but what my landlord didn't see was how long my parents worked, and how many years my grandmother worked (cause she gave us the money to buy that stuff with). I really just want to encourage everyone, to see a different side to the story. Don't hate the kid that has the name brand clothes, cause usually they sacrificed the name brand clothes for time with one or both parents. Also, as Christians, we aren't suppose to envy one another. God will provide for us, exactly what is needed, don't worry. If you need something, or even want it, please Post...I want to pray for you...I believe that God wants to give us even our desires (not just needs). I know this because I have one of the coolest friends in the world Amy, and her mom is in St. John doing a course for nursing. Amy and her mom are super tight and this is Amy's grade 12 year and for a long time it didn't seem like Amy's mom would be home for her first day of school (this is a big deal to Amma). I began praying for her to be able to come home, and as of last week, her mom was coming home.

(BACK TO THE TOPIC) I guess maybe because I have been put in the financial position that i have been it has made me want to give more. Don't tell Danielle this yet, but she's getting flowers tomorrow. She's had a rough weekend. But she's amazing, and God loves her so much, she knows that so she'll make it through.

So guys, look at things from a different point of view, and remember that God loves you a ton, and wants to give you not only what you need, but your wants as well.

Love you all so much!

Witness Always
Praise Often
Rock Steady

Krystle Lynn


At 9:12 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

hey what is danielles email? cause i need to keep in touch with my bfs while i am away!!! and im sad to hear that she had a rough weekend! tell her i'll be praying for her!
well i will have to come visit u in moncton sometime! im moving in tomorrow! :S! im scared...hahaha...but excited! anyways, ive gotta run and finish packing all this stuff hahaha
luv ya!!


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