Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Grad Party Review

Well tonight was my grad party, and to say the least I am really disappointed. There were like 5 of my guy friends from Hartland (thanks Josh, Joel, Chris, Shawn, and James) and later my sweet awesome, totally hip (don't ya think Josh?) friend Danielle came. I'm so glad, sometimes being one of the guys just isn't that great. I'm having a really hard time with the perverseness. I understand that they are guys, and that if I wasn't there they'd talk about it, but I find myself laughing at that stuff. I feel really convicted of it and I really am trying really hard not to. I guess I'm just not being treated the way I want to. Yes I have puked in front of them (if you want the entire low down on that go read Josh's blog) and today was a milstone --> I slipped a fart! But I still want to be treated as a lady, but "love never gives up" and I love these guys like brothers so I'm not going to give up (well unless they become bad influences and God tells me to give up).

So tonight the devotion is about Disapointment and because my personal promise bible doesn't have disappointment in it it's Discouragment. The devil's totally trying to discourage me but I'm going to keep pressing on in the name of Jesus. I guses if you're an avid reader here on "MY PALACE" you'd notice how I talk about my discouragment...well...A LOT but that's only because that's the thing that I think I need God to help me with the most right now.

Psalm 37:4 Says:

Delight yourself also in ME, your LORD, and I will give you the desires of your heart

So to that I say:

Lord, You know my heart! I want to be a girl totally devoted to you! You know my longings because it says so in Psalm 37:4! Help me put my faith in you, and not in people!

Anyway, I'm out, I have a quick e-mail I need to write!

Witness Always
Praise Often
Rock Hard

Krystle Lynn


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