Sunday, July 31, 2005


Of all the times my parents have been disappointed with me, now I'm disappointed with them. My dad and mom are both down by the pool amazingly DRUNK. See, my parents aren't Christians, which is hard sometimes, but my parents AREN'T partiers. I want to cry, because it use to be me and Dad making fun of the drunk people, but now it's him, he's the drunk guy. When I mean drunk, I don't mean falling down, puking everywhere, drunk...They're just, mouthy, and not my parents. It's a bigger deal to me about my dad than my mom (cause my mom has always been a bit of a partier) because my dad IS my best friend. I'm just really sad right now, and I feel like crying. Everything's just bad right now.

To fill you all in I've already given up reading the bible in a year, but instead I'm trying something new like BPW. Every day it alternates, one night I read the bible, the next pray, the next worship. Seeing as how it's 12:30 already, I probably wont get to doing it, and it will be just another FAILED attempt at creating a devotion life. I'm to the point where I don't think I'll ever amount to anything in Christ, and working for him because I can't spend any more than three days in a devotion.



At 12:38 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

that must be really hard for u...i cant imagine what it must be like to be the only christian in the home, but i do know one thing...i am SOOOOOO proud of u!! honestly!! it takes so much strength on ur part to continue to faithfully serve God when it seems at times like u are all alone in it!! and i know the devil will try to get u down and steal u away from God but dont ever let him!!! and dont hate ur life! God created u and gave u this life to live to serve Him!! its not always a fun life...but remember we dont belong here on earth...we have a home in heaven waiting for us!! :)!!! yay!! anyways i really am so proud of u and ill be praying for u and ur fam!!
love in christ,

At 1:57 p.m., Blogger Tom said...

Sorry perfect stranger stopping by your blog- I do so love that next blog button...

First while I will admit I'm not a christian but I know there was something about forgivness in the guy Jesus's message so ease up on the folks a bit. Getting loud and slightly obnoxious does not a drunk make- they were just having a good time. Hey didn't that Jesus guy also do something with water into wine? Maybe I ought to read through the Book again too.

Second I hope it isn't too bold for a perfect stranger to say you're way too young to declare yourself a failure at anything yet. Just do what you know is right and work to make yourself a better person today than you were yesterday. If you stumble now and then just remember no human is perfect.

again sorry for intruding.

At 10:44 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Tom! I have no idea who you are but all you want!!

Yes, you are correct Jesus's message was all about love and forgiveness. In my "defence" I never said that I didn't forgive them. I was just disappointed. That's my fault though, I placed my faith in people. If you place your faith in anything other than Jesus Christ you will be disappointed.


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