Friday, July 29, 2005

wow....thank goodness for fridays!!! this week at work has been soooooooo trying!!! honestly!! thanks be to God that i made it through!! the kids were so bad!! they would not listen and were always whining and complaining it seemed...not to mention everyone on staff including myself were feeling lazy....but since i am the so termed "new-b" i was usually the one stuck alone with all the kids while the others "organized things" .....GAH!!! it was so difficult attempting to keep them all under control!! but alas, i have made it out!!

though i am glad this week is over it is also a little sad.....i mean, i have what? like 4 weeks left of summer before i will be forced to take a major step towards growing up and head off to university leaving behind family and friends.....and the work load will be insane too....dang summers...they always go way too fast.....

o well, next week is the fair!! well, old home week....and i dont know why i have such an obsession with the fair...but i just LOVE it!! it has to be one of the highlights of my summer....well of the year for that matter!! theres something oddly romantic about fairs at, wow...dunno where this is heading...but hahahaha! just a random thought for u krystle...i mean, picture sitting close with some "significant other" on the ferris wheel overlooking all the lit-up rides and stars and ya....the fair on a warm summer night just seems so something from a storybook eh? think ive had one too many disney movies...(just finished watching ice too bad i guess...average....)

well, those are my thoughts as of 11:48 friday night......hope u all enjoyed them!! :)!! night all
~luv becky~


At 1:57 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

lol when you said that you were considered the "new-b" I was thinking what the crap does that mean...does that mean they all hate you or something and I had to read it like 6 times in my head before I finally figured it out. What can I say...I'm dense..

You know Beck, you're not the only one that's getting a lil worried about "the next major step". I'm a bit worried about it as well, but I figure, what they hey! as long as I keep with God it's not gonna matter what happens. There's going to be amazing thing that we're gonna experience in Sackville/Moncton (although Sackville is amazingly small!) that we would NEVER be allowed to experience here. If you get there and need to have a bit of a freak out..I'm only 20 mins or so away (and I bet I could get there in like 15 if you needed me really bad). You're thinking it like leaving behind family and friends, but look at it like you meeting new friends and making friends that are like family. Think positive darling!

At 11:53 a.m., Blogger bataylor said...

awwwww, thanks krystle!! hahahaha!! its so weird thinking about going off on my own....i've got so many mixed i tend to go from one extreme to the next rather quickly! hahahaha! no, but i am excited! although nervous....and saddened...but happy...and ya, wow i am a mess! hahahaha! glad you were able to decipher new-b eventually! hahahaha!!!
luv ya bunches!


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