Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Today, Just Another Day

Today, I cleaned. It's quite amazing really, cause I never clean but I figured since Nancy (the housekeeper) was on vacation for the past 4 days she'd probably quit if she came back and saw the shape our house was in. You're welcome Nancy.

I went to Hartland Wesleyan Church Youth Group tonight and it was amazing! Congrats Kevin! God really worked through you tonight. His "discussion" was on being different, and being light, kinda like what I was trying to talk to my friends about this weekend. Unfourtnaetly (sp) only three of them were there. Tim Hortons was fun to, there was a ton of us there.

I'm really excited to see what God's doing in Hartland. One thing about the church I am attending right now, is that the numbers don't seem to fluxuate (sp) so much. At my old church I can totally see where some people are going to be offended and hurt by the church and quit going. My new church on the other hand, I bet there's people that have been going there their entire lives. I think that's a really awesome thing, but I also see where they might be loosing out on creating an army of young people for Jesus Christ. No church is without their down points, I'm defenetly not saying that there's a perfect one, but I believe that I have not found my "home church" as of yet. Maybe God has a different idea, they say if you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans, but I just don't feel at "home" yet. Who knows what Moncton will bring, but it sure would suck to have to travel to Moncton every weekend to church...lol..just kidding..I wouldn't do that.

I'm actually massively excited to start church in Moncton. The one that I think I am going to attend is called Harvest House. The building began as a stip club but they turned it into a church. I've heard (that means that this might not be true) that there are quite a few people that go there with massive addictions and so they have a 15 minute break between worship and the message so that people can "do whatever they need to do" . I was asked if I wanted to be around people like that. I agree that I couldn't be buddy, buddy with them, but I'd like to try to help. They also have a kick butt drama ministry. I totally want to get involved with that! I haven't really been able to use that party of my talents for the furthering of Christ's kingdom yet. I'm really interested in trying it though.

Anyways, it's late, I've got TONS of work to do tomorrow!

Witness Always
Praise Often
Rock Hard

Krystle Lynn


At 11:47 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

hey hey!!
well i havent been online in soooo long!! but ya, i just got ur email about joining ur blog and yay! i will deff contribute a post or two! lol! blogging is sooo addictive!! so, u have gotten a super good start on this blog of urs in the short time uve had it...sorry its so late at night or id be commenting on all of the posts....but until another night when i have the time just want u to know i am reading ur blog!!! :)!!!

At 12:24 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Thanks Beck!

I was totally wondering if anyone was reading it. Josh reads like...once a month but other than that I don't know anyone that blogs! Feel free to pass it along to anyone that I might know (even a little bit) or even people I don't know at all!

It's a bit disappointing to come on and just write! Thanks a bunch again! Hope today was rockin'!

Witness Always
Praise Often
Rock Hard

Krystle Lynn


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