Thursday, August 18, 2005

And the winner is.....

So, since everyone that has a blog has commented on the go-karting (happy beck? lol) expereince I figured so shall I...

The night started out by me and Becky deciding that we wanted to go do something. I thought, hey, let's go to Presque Isle Wesleyan (which has rockin' Saturday Services btw). We called Jess Mac to see if she and Jody wanted to go but unfortunately (as we later learned) they were in Nova Scotia (maybe next time). Then we figured hey, J-Ro might wanna go, but he wasn't home, and I think when I called his dad's house I asked for Joel (haha). So we called Kate (aka Katelyn Smith) she's always ready for fun, so we decided to pick her up! Then we found out that J-Ro was at...oh goodness can't think of his name...James!'s I called there, but James didn't feel like going (and didn't ask if J-Ro if he wanted to go). J-Ro ended up calling me back and getting me to pick him up. We then booted our booties to Becky's house, and then booted our booties back to Becky's to pick up her ID and then to Kate's house. By that time, it was pretty much too late to go to PI Wesleyan, so someone (sorry forgot who) said we should go go-karting. Sounded like a good idea to all of the rest of us. So we went through the Houlton border, but before that, I astounded my passengers with my exporting/importing knowledge. We went to the Canadian Border and got J-Ro's IPOD a green card so we didn't have to pay duty on it coming back into Canada. Now, off to the American Border. We were asked where we were going, we asked where the closest place to go go-karting was. He then said it was past "my brother's place". It sounded funny eh? So I just had to ask, was it really his brother's place (come to find out that's what it was called)....Beck went into histarical laughing (he probably thought she was stoned) and the customs officer asked our ages because he probably thought we were dunk (but I liked Kate's philo. he thought we were hot...minus J-Ro of course)

We went to Wrench Raceway....where it was 1$ a minute (RIP OFF!!!) And there were some crazy guys (I assume they were all related) and the "dad" had a was great. They were going more than once, so they had to get out while we went on our turn...although they did want to race. Kate picked the John Deer one (Brandon would have been happy) that turned out to have crappy steering. J-Ro (aka Josh..cause that's what I keep tying and having to erase) had the one behind her. Becky was infront of me, in a blue kart, and I proudly displaying the Red Budwiser Car. (Woot gotta love Dale Jr!). Becky began the race (cause Kate was scared lol) and I followed (then Kate and Josh). Becky got a massive head start cause you had to floor the stinkin' things to get them to move. I think I passed Becky (atleast I hope I did that way I can keep braggin that I won tee hee) and then Josh for like the last 2 minutes kept trying to pass me. See, I was smart, and told him not to bump me at the beginning so that it wouldn't "scare me" (Heck no it didn't scare me) so everytime I went around a turn I headed for the inside of the next turn, so Josh couldn't pass me. HA!

After we were done that we decided lets go to PI (Like 1hr and 15 mins away!!) and go to Taco Bell....then like 15 mins up the road we decided it was too far, turned around and went to Wal-Mart to see if Kate could get sandals for Emily's wedding, and Josh some glasses. Unfortunately there weren't any sandals, and Josh didn't like the pink avaitors that Becky picked's too bad really...they were hot. We then went to Burger King, where I let Josh pay for my meal (that never happens...I like paying for my own stuff) Then it was time to head it back to Canada!




At 11:39 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Nice one Jody....

Jess, hopefully your brusies will heal quickly and we will all go, go-karting soon! :D

At 8:25 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

whats this nonsence about u passing me? that never happened! i only ended up behind u cause i caught up to u and couldnt get passed jro and u both....but nice try and if u want to say you won, i guess ill let it slide....meh! i did have a pretty hefty head start there...
well, now holly needs the computer...ill comment longer later when i have more time


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