Friday, August 12, 2005

The Highest Compliment

As many of you have figured out/know my parents aren't living their lives to the full potential that God wants them to.

Today my dad and I were at the bank talking to the bank manager, and he started talking about the bank manager being the god of the bank (weird I know, but this is also the man who calls a kiss a 'tiss') where he proceeded to tell the banker I was "religious" but then corrected himself by saying that I was a Christian! Man, that was so stinkin' awesome! My dad has noticed that I have made a choice! Awesome! Just wanted to share with you all so that you can rejoice with me!!



At 11:50 a.m., Blogger bataylor said...

yay!!! rejoicing!! thats awesome that your dad has noticed this change in you!! I'm sure God is working on his we just have to wait and pray that he accepts Christ's invitation!!! and i am definately praying for you and your fam...that u will stay strong and be a witness to them and that they will come to know Jesus as their saviour!!
lol, i'm beginning to think this "spiritual high" of yours is somewhat contagious! hahaha!! excellent....
anyways, its been too long since ive talked to you! where have u been? lol! well, maybe i will see you at church tomorrow!
love your boyfriend (heehee),

At 12:57 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be in church tomorrow! I had such an awesome weekend last weekend though!! I went to Bar None Camp and i was like...totally filled. I've never been on a missions trip but I can totally tell you (grr...what's with me saying totally all the time!) that this was one. We started out by cooking them supper (the counsellors cause the counsellors needed to be saved just as much as the kids did!). They asked me if everyone in Florenceville (cause I went with the Family Worship Center Kids) smiled all the time, cause we hadn't stopped smiling since we got there! WOOT! We helped clean, and do everything we possibly could because Shelly (the director) was getting burnt out. Could you imagine trying to run a Christian Camp with only 4 Christian counsellors out of the whole bunch? I feel bad that Shelly got into that situation, but she's there, and all of the counsellors are there for a reason!
Anyway Beck,
Isa gonna call ya and see what your doing and see if ya wanna hang out!

Much love to the coolest boyfriend EVER



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