Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lately...I've been thinking about you....


This week hasn't been a great week..but not anything I want to blog about..and revisit 20 million times a day..yup that's how often I check to see if anyone posts.

But today is better! Really! I've been doing midterms this week..and I KNOW I kicked butt in Accounting!...The rest is a bit sketchy! I need a 75% average to get into University so hopefully, God willing, I'll get that...


I'm secretly going home this weekend! WOOT WOOT! But...if you do live home..please don't say don't even know why I'm saying this cause I know someone's gonna No worries

My parents don't even know I'm coming...It's funny because my dad always talks about how much he's "MAD" at me because I haven't been home in easily two weeks. I could see that when I get home on Friday night my parents will be at the camp.

It's really great that my parents have the camp. Dad's talking about building another piece on the camp. He LOVES building things on to the camp. I guess that the floors almost done in the porch. Everyone has to come see it...Dad really needs to start on the whole landscaping thing. Our camp looks kinda junky if you're just looking at it because the landscaping sucks. We live REALLY close to the river but we can't see

Since my grandmother has passed away my parents spend a lot of time there. We had Thanksgiving out there (even if we didn't have a dinner), and a lot of the time when I call home (don't worry I'm a good girl..I call home a lot) I end up calling their cell phones because they're at the camp.

My small group girls are doing amazing! Things are going really good since I've gotten mean...grr..(that's me growling)..we're going to a movie on the 8th of November. So that'll be fun!

Talk to you SOON!



At 9:34 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Hey Jess,

Hope you didn't write that just because you were worried that I'd be hurt over what they wrote (it's cool that you did though I appreciate it)....I knew deep in my heart that she wasn't going to be very excited about what I had to say..but I said it..because someday she'll be accountable to what I said to her...I've done my part!


--Your sister in Christ...even though we've seen each other once! lol!

At 12:26 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

You get mad props for sharing that stuff on a strangers blog. I don't think I've ever been brave enough to do something like that, except for a few times when I discussed things with people I already knew. Everything you said was true and I think it's great that you spoke out like that. Hopefully the person (Jolyn is it?) will take it to heart.

There's something similar that is very important as well. I remember having a discussion with a Christian girl at college. She believed that she could marry a non-Christian guy and either expect him to change for her, or for God to change him and for him to be saved. I suppose other people might think differently, but I told her that you can't expect someone to change. If they drink, smoke, curse, or whatever before you get married, chances are they'll continue doing so afterwords. I'm not saying that they can't change, I just don't think it's worth taking a chance marrying someone who doesn't share your own beliefs. I've met people who have had very difficult lives living with someone who doesn't go to church or agree in the way they raise their kids.

Personally, if I ever meet someone and start a relationship I want to be SURE that it's someone who shares my beliefs and my love of God before moving on to marriage. Anyways, just sharing my own two cents.

At 1:26 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...


Why put yourself through the misery of marrying a non-christian spouse? Because yes, God can change them, but it might take YEARS...and how will your kids be raised? And it going to be a heck of a lot easier for them to not follow Jesus because their mom or dad isn't.

Isn't it odd how usually it's girls that date non-christians (atleast from what I've seen)..what's wrong with them!!

If God really is numero uno in your life why would you want to marry someone who it's not?

I feel bad for the girl who I posted on her blog..I guess..just from what I can read..someone was pretending to be the guy she was "falling in love with"...not so much fun...

I just hope someday that it helped.


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