Saturday, September 03, 2005

It's so cute...

Okay, I'm taking this directly from the book "Just Like Heaven" cause it's amazing and really makes you think

"Every moment is forever." Lauren decided to tell him a story--a game, something that would distract him, she said. She told him to imagine he'd won a contest. The prize was that every morning, a bank would open an account in his name contaning 86,400 dollars. There were only two rules: "The first rule is that everything you fail to spend is taken from you that night. You can't cheat, you can't switch the unspent money to another account: you can only spend it. But when you wake next morning, and every morning after that, the bank opens a new account for you, always eighty-six thousand, four hundred dollars, for the day. Rule number two is that the bank can break off the game without warning. It can tell you at any time that it's over, that it's closing the account and there won't be another one. Now what would you do?"

Arthur wasn't sure he understood.

"It's very simple: every morning when you wake up, they give you 86 400 dollars, on the sole condition that you spend it in one day. If you don't spend it all by the time you go to bed. you lose whatever you didn't spend. ut this game--this windfall--can stop at any moment, understand? So my question is, what would you do if you were handed a prize like that?"

He didn't have to think long to answer. He'd spend every dollar on leasure and on gifts for the people he loved. He'd find a way to use up every cent offered by this magic bank to bring happiness into his life and the lives of everyone around him. "And even the lives of people I don't know, because I don't think I'd manage to spend 86,400 dollars just on me and my friends every day. But what's your point?"

She answered, "We all have that magic bank account: it's time! A big account, filled with fleeting seconds. Every morning when we wake up, our account for the day is credited with 86,400 seconds, and when w go to sleep every night, there's no carryover into the next day. What hasn't been lived during the day is lost; yesterday has vanished. Every morning the magic begins again, with a new line of credit of 86,400 seconds, and don't forget rule number 2: the bank can close our account at any time without any warning. At any moment, life can end. So what do we do with out daily ration of 86,400 seconds? Aren't seconds of life more important than dollars?"

So my question, is what are we spending our seconds on? I dare you all to really think about that, and to challenge yourselves to spend your seconds on the things that matter, and to not allow things like, anger, depression, jealousy to steal any of our precious seconds.



At 1:11 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

wow....that is an awesome analogy!! i love it!! it deff makes me think!! i am deff not using every second of my life to the extent that i should .... thanks for these words of wisdom...even if they did come from a book, lol!! o, and u and jess should really talk to each other cause both of u are helping lead youth this year!! :) well, all that to say i am so proud of my bf!!! way to get involved!! love ya!!


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