Monday, October 10, 2005

It's been a long it's a long blog!

My Thanksgiving weekend was quite eventful. I started out going to Halifax at 2 pm on Friday for a Joy Williams, Salvador, and Tree63 Concert..It was an okay's so much different being a youth leader. A girl who had "hurt" her leg (I don't really think it hurt) was sitting at the back with her leg on a chair, and everytime I looked at her she looked like she was going to cry..but when I snuck a peek at her she looked fine. It was really odd though, when she would talk to me, she would mouth everything and not speak at all. I eventually made her go and get up and walk on her it was all good after that. A guy got saved, and two or three youth leaders rededicated their lives..kinda worries me that they're youth leaders..but I'm sure God's working it all out..We went back to Brookfield (like 1hr 1/2 away) and went skating at midnight where a kid accidentally cut his wrist with his skate. You wouldn't believe how many people I told this and they thought he intentionally did it. Then we went back to the church and ate pizza. I got a chance to talk to pastor Mark's mom...he was really instrumental in witnessing to his really encouraged me in witnessing to my family. I got like an hour of sleep and slept on the bus (I was up at 5:30!!) and once I got back I started driving home. I decided at about Chipman..that I was too tired to keep going so I pulled over. I couldn't sleep so I drove to Oromoncto..and slept there for like 2 hours....and the slept again at King Landing. It took me about 6 hours to get home.

I was talking to my dad earlier that day and it really made me feel good. Mom had gone out with some friends for the weekend, and my brother and I are obviously not home. So dad commented saying that it was lonely and he couldn't even pat the dog to torment mom. lol. That was dad's way of saying I miss you!

The most important part of the weekend was probably the "roundabout" job offer. It sounded like a really great idea to. I'd be doing accounting for an engineering firm but also be doing sales, which would be excellent for me, because even though I love numbers, I love people a heck of a lot to. The pay should be good because the owner said "that person (the one who filled the position) would be very important to me, and I'd have to make sure that they knew that they were more important to me than anyone else". Dad's not fond of the idea and said that he thought that the owner was trying to impress me (HE'S MARRIED!) but I just think Dad doesn't like the idea because he doesn't want me to live in Moncton and he wants me to come back and run the business. Although I'd probably make more money at the business there would be less headaches working for someone else. I'm really not sure what to think. I thought I had everything planned out in my life, but now it's like HOLY STINKS! Another decision! I'm not even to mid-terms of first semester and I already have a job maybe I should hold out..get a better one by the time that I'm done! I think I'll probably stick to the original plan of coming back and runing my parents business. When I was talking to the Owner of the engineering firm...I told him that because my boss was my dad and a ministry opportunity came up I would be able to take it..and he said it would be the same within his company...I'd have more ministry opportunities in Moncton...but would he really give me the time off? ministry that I'd really like to be involved in is Native Ministry..and Big Cove (the closest reserve) is pretty far away..I dunno....I also thought about working for the Engineering Firm for 5 years...and then coming home and taking over the company but that would be like..nine more years in Moncton..and I'd like to start a family before then..and I'd like to raise them back home. Do you see how complicated this is?

I was able to spend a lot of time with my family this weekend...I really missed that. I totally think I'm tight with both of my parents..but sometimes I think I should spend more time with them..especially now that I'm away..and Grammy's gone..I defintely miss my parents a lot.. (ahh..I'm crying!!) My mom's coming to Moncton the first of November, which I'm totally looking forward to! She's gonna have to come to church with me so that everyone can meet my family! It'd be nice if someday really soon Dad came down...but I'm not holding my breath..even if everytime I see a truck like his I think it's him! lol!

Anyways,It's late...I trust that you all had a great spectacular Turkey Day! Please be in prayer for what God wants for my life..I'm really struggling with letting God take over in ALL areas of my life. Right now He's fighting for my future...I'm just really torn...

Witness Always
Praise Often
Rock Steady



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