Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I should update...

So I found a ton of people I know that have blogs..so now they have to come and post on my blog..

My update:

Currently I've been under spiritual attack. I don't want to say the devil is doing it because am I really that important that the devil would attack me? I def. know that his demon buddies are doing a good job of attacking me though. It was a rough 5 days...but I can see the sun through the clouds. School's been totally getting at me..and for awhile I felt like God brought me to Moncton just to drop me off and forget about me. After a talk with a friend (thanks Kurt!) at the lowest point of the week he helped me turn my thoughts upwards.

I've never been attacked like this. Never before have I had anxiety attacks but they were so real on Friday night. I use to think maybe partially that there was spiritual battles but now I know it for sure. Yes, maybe I could have just been stressed but when I started to pray and worship the anxiety went away. For you secptics...explain that.

This week helped solitify why "bad things happen to good people". I'd like to believe that I'm a good person and this was a really (potentially worse) bad thing. But bad things happen for three reasons
1. Because good people do bad things (God never takes away our free will to do the wrong thing)
2. "Bad" people do "bad" things to good people (Just because they're not Christians God doesn't take away their free will)
3. Because God needs you to go through this to strengthen you and to help someone else in the same circumstance. (to glorify God)

I believe FIRMLY that God needed me to go through this to strengthen me

James 1:2 2-4Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

It reminded me to get back into the word. The word strengthens me...I need the word in my heart. I also know that in my position as a youth leader..I will be able to help kids that stress!

God is so good...can anyone testify to God's goodness?


At 11:03 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Krystal,
well i am glad that you have come through the spiritual battle.. i hate the DEVIL...however i also believe God takes us through things to help us the learn to lean on him more and worhsip him! He's still the same... :)
Miss you girly..i think we need to hang out sometime when you come home.. :) ill drive you around lol i have my license..yes i do!

luv ya lots,

At 3:51 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Awesome..but if you stink..I'm getting out and calling my mom to come pick me up lol..

Where's your testifyin'?

At 1:00 a.m., Blogger Ryan Tompkins said...

hey. that's a lesson so many people should learn... just worship in any season - good or bad and God will come through.

as far as a testimony of God's goodness - we're having encounterfest here @ hillsong right now and it's been amazing. God is moving and over the last few nights there have a been a countless number of teens saved. His salvation is definitely goodness.

later, ryan


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