Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Last blog before the summer

It has been awhile..yes..and I don't even have anything crazy to write I'll do what everyone else does..make a list..

1. I cut my hair
2. Danielle's grad party is on Friday...I'll be late cause I'm going to a wedding
3. I'm taking photos of Andrew and Danielle's prom on Monday and Tuesday.
4. I ate KFC tonight (it sucked)
5. I hung out with Esther was fun and I really appreciate her cooking for me! She's sweet!
6. I totally sucked on my two tests today.
In accounting I didn't have one part of my project (I did it on Jenny's PC and forgot to put it on mine) and so not only will I loose marks for that..I'll also loose marks for when I passed it in after changing numbers.
In Income Tax my numbers were SUPER off compared to everyone elses...the only thing that will save me is if there were different income tax's hoping...
7. I have one test left!!!
8. I have the day off tomorrow..
9. It will be spent cleaning and packing
10. I'm playing v-ball tomorrow..
11. I'm thinking about renting a movie tonight..and getting a Niko membership.

I hope you all have a great summer...I only have dial up back don't count on too many posts until September...but don't worry..I'll be back!


At 2:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even in the middle of nowhere?

It's me..Krystle..I just didn't feel like loggin'on..


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