Monday, September 11, 2006


Today is my first official day of school..I get my books this morning and then classes in the PM. I was SUPPOSE to start last Thursday but becuase we weren't scheduled to get our books until today we couldn't have class on Thursday and Friday. I was kinda upset that I wasted a morning when we could have done it today. Honestly I'm going to miss all of the free time that I've had. I've royally messed up my sleep schedule and can't fall asleep until like 2 in the morning and then I'm dead tired in the morning...but that'll come around.

I would love living in Moncton and not have any obligations...which would be impossible because how would I support myself? (Work=obligation)...but it would be so much fun to visit with people and help out at the church..stuff that I really enjoy doing! I would be able to be there for Danielle to help her study EVERY she wouldn't be stressing out. It would be fun. I would love being able to make plans with people in the church Sunday after church...that would be awesome......


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