Sunday, September 10, 2006

NYC Mission Trip

Tonight I had the WONDERFULL opportunity to be asked to be a chaperone on the 9&10 New York Mission Trip. Wow...and to be honest I am HONOURED! My heart is in Youth Ministry here in Moncton and I REALLY want to do this.

Here's the catch:

1. I will miss 4 days of school. 6 hours a day x 4 days = 24 hours of class. 1 full day of classes
2. It takes place somewhere around exam time.
3. Dad's not too keen on me travelling by myself..will the parents give their blessings?

When I was talking to a friend about it they asked if my parents would let me go. I stated that it wasn't really a matter of them letting me go because I'm 19 and the trip is free. Thinking about that now I realize that maybe that wasn't the smartest thing for me to say...My parents do pay for me to attend school and I hate fighting with them. I will not go with out thier permission..but I'll do everything in my power to make them say yes.

How will I combat the catch?
1. Missing school time. I am prepared to attend after school sessions and the Saturday before get ahead in my work.

I may also discuss writing my exam later. Claiming a non-refundable trip to NYC.
2. Study early for exams/during the trip (yeah..probably wont do the latter)
3. Have plans so I miss the least amount of time and do the best I can on my exams. I also will spend the Monday that I come back in a LARGE tutoring session with Daisy.

I dunno..what do you guys think?


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