Monday, September 18, 2006

God's Wrath

Mark Cann made an interesting point the other day...

We've painted Jesus as a pansy.

For years Jesus has been the guy standing on the corner with a sign that says "make love not war". Not only have non-Christians thought that but the majority of Christians. To me God's always been about accepting us..and forgiving us time and time again...

I guess my question really there any wrath to be afraid of.

I just wrote something..and erased it...cause here's my new thought..

Do we not receive the wrath of God at this moment because of Jesus. Because by Jesus our sins were now there is no wrath (until Judgement of course..) And if there was the wrath of God right now then it would kinda be like sentencing twice..

Wow..I have so much to say..but I'm really just gonna go and let God keep working in my heart..

Hopefully you guys got something out of this because it was a neat-o experience for me.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Love my dad

I think that the best thing about my dad is the fact that I can tell him anything.

me: "guess and so broke up"
dad: " he the one that was a real jerk"
me: I thought I liked him but then he was really mean
dad: "after they broke up? what else was he suppose to do"

after that brief conversation he then went on how to tell me to hook an appliance up.

Not only is he a wealth of knowledge in boy areas (because there aren't any boys in my life) but I can tell him girl things too...

There are some things that are really OFF LIMITS to tell your dad..but there are things that girls just wouldn't tell their dad..that I do..My dad is very involved in my life and I LOVE IT!

I told him about the NYC trip today..and he didn't put his foot down and say "NO!" hopefully it's good. :)

I def see NYC being a tool this year to push me to study and work hard. Hopefully it works that way...

Here's a song that I love that was created for me and my dad (if only a girl was singing it..)

Keith Urban lyrics : Song For Dad lyrics
Lately I've been noticingI say the same things he used to say
And I even find myself acting the very same way
I tap my fingers on the table
To the rhythm in my soul
And I jingle the car keys When I'm ready to go
When I look in the mirror
He's right there in my eyes
Starin' back at me and I realize...

The older I getThe more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I see
A little more of my father in me

There were times I thought he was bein'Just a little bit hard on me
But now I understand he was makin' me Become the man he knew that I could be
In everything he ever didHe always did with love
And I'm proud today to say I'm his son
When somebody says I hope I get to meet your dad
I just smile and say you already have

The older I getThe more I can see
How much he loved my mother and my brother and me
And he did the best that he could
And I only hope when I have my own family
That everyday I seeA little more of my father in me

He's in my eyesMy heart, my soulMy hands, my pride
And when I feel aloneAnd I think I can't go onI hear him sayin' Son you'll be alright
Everything's gonna be alrightYes it is



Today is my first official day of school..I get my books this morning and then classes in the PM. I was SUPPOSE to start last Thursday but becuase we weren't scheduled to get our books until today we couldn't have class on Thursday and Friday. I was kinda upset that I wasted a morning when we could have done it today. Honestly I'm going to miss all of the free time that I've had. I've royally messed up my sleep schedule and can't fall asleep until like 2 in the morning and then I'm dead tired in the morning...but that'll come around.

I would love living in Moncton and not have any obligations...which would be impossible because how would I support myself? (Work=obligation)...but it would be so much fun to visit with people and help out at the church..stuff that I really enjoy doing! I would be able to be there for Danielle to help her study EVERY she wouldn't be stressing out. It would be fun. I would love being able to make plans with people in the church Sunday after church...that would be awesome......

Sunday, September 10, 2006

NYC Mission Trip

Tonight I had the WONDERFULL opportunity to be asked to be a chaperone on the 9&10 New York Mission Trip. Wow...and to be honest I am HONOURED! My heart is in Youth Ministry here in Moncton and I REALLY want to do this.

Here's the catch:

1. I will miss 4 days of school. 6 hours a day x 4 days = 24 hours of class. 1 full day of classes
2. It takes place somewhere around exam time.
3. Dad's not too keen on me travelling by myself..will the parents give their blessings?

When I was talking to a friend about it they asked if my parents would let me go. I stated that it wasn't really a matter of them letting me go because I'm 19 and the trip is free. Thinking about that now I realize that maybe that wasn't the smartest thing for me to say...My parents do pay for me to attend school and I hate fighting with them. I will not go with out thier permission..but I'll do everything in my power to make them say yes.

How will I combat the catch?
1. Missing school time. I am prepared to attend after school sessions and the Saturday before get ahead in my work.

I may also discuss writing my exam later. Claiming a non-refundable trip to NYC.
2. Study early for exams/during the trip (yeah..probably wont do the latter)
3. Have plans so I miss the least amount of time and do the best I can on my exams. I also will spend the Monday that I come back in a LARGE tutoring session with Daisy.

I dunno..what do you guys think?

Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm not worth the price that was paid...

The idea of being purchased with a price really hit me tonight. I was purchased. My life is not my own. I SHOULD be a slave to Jesus Christ. He was a kind gracious “master” who doesn’t want to be my master…but a friend. I really can’t say anything profound..or even intellectual because I can’t understand it.

I in a complete state of awe. So many times I try to tell God what he wants to hear. Pastor Andrew directed me to a wonderful song…In the Silence by Jason Upton (don’t by the CD…it doesn’t do him justice…it’s a great CD but he’s so much better live).

WHY ARE WE LYING TO GOD? Do we honestly think that he doesn’t know that we’re lying. Get real…that was the point of P. Andrew’s message. (a great one by the way)

Over the summer is the hardest time spiritually for me. I don’t have my job as a youth leader keeping me accountable…and I busy myself with friends, television…and I stray away from the Word and spend time with God only on Sundays. All summer I was going to start devotions “tomorrow”.

One of the things I've..not really struggled with...but it's bothered me is...Growing up in a Pentecostal Church I've seen God's "power". Honestly I doubt some of the practices in the Pentecostal Church..speaking in tounges being the main one. I do believe that speaking in tounges is a spiritual gift that SOME people posses. I DO NOT believe that speaking in tounges is something that you do if you are more spiritual than someone else. I really feel as if the church I was in abused it. I kinda blame my situation on that. I feel like I kinda restrict myself in worship because I NEVER want to be someone who raises their hands because it's the chorus..or someone who cries everytime there's a piano solo...someone who fakes it. I don't want to be someone who does something because I was told..but because I feel led to. I have such a hard time taking my eyes off the people. I'm so afraid that someone is going to think that I'm just being "spiritual" and that it's not true afraid in fact that it leads me to stop worshiping...which leads to just being "spiritual"...

My biggest issue is getting my eyes off the people.

I use to love the Pentecostal church because I thought it was so free...but the freedom that I wanted has become my chains. (Another great message from one of MW's Pastor's)...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Hello all,

I am back in Moncton! And as I can see that my blog has generated quite the

I'm really excited about youth this year. I never really thought about youth ministry and it's really awesome how God can place a call on your life without you really even knowing it. I am VERY excited about the ministry at Moncton Wesleyan. I've invited two new youth leaders to the pot...Dan and Tim who are so extreme and unique that they fit in with our group.

Get involved people of the world. Try something..anything..until you find your passion..your calling.