Saturday, November 05, 2005

Floor Crawl? What the crap?

So I just had a friend tell me about this "floor crawl" idea. He's in university and you go from room to room and you take shots at each one. 13 people from the campus have gone to the hospital for alcohol poisioning...does that make sense?! People could DIE from that! Oh man, I went to site the other day and it says that approximately 50% of teens that go to University "loose their faith". I'm not saying that God takes his salvation away...but you can choose not to accept it..after you've accepted it already. (does that make sense)

I've heard stories of Christian girls...that have lead worship..going to a sexual hypnotist..and whether you believe it or not..she had an orgasim on stage. Nothing screams I love Jesus like that!

I feel alone! Really honestly and truly...I feel like I'm the only kid in my entire school that is a Christian..actually I'm the only regular attending student at IVCF..but I do know of 3 other students that do not attend and are Christians..BUT STILL! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and what makes it so different from High School to College/University?

They say High schools the most tempting spiritually..but is that true? Now I'm can I make it easier for others in my school to live their faith?


I'm going out to eat...I haven't eaten all day..(I do that way too often and need to stop) can't wait until after booster when I actually have people reading my blog...


It's faithfulness not our success that will take us to a place of rest


At 1:43 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Thanks Jess,

I was in a small group but the 40 days of community no more small group..

I am super involved in that's awesome..but I just get so sick of being alone! GRR..a guy helped me out this afternoon (he's a youth leader to) and it was amazing..serious..I was expecting him to say no and that I'd end up doing it myself but he actually said yes (wow, a city person that helped me..that's a first) and seriously..I felt like crying because he said yes, just to be talking to someone that didn't involve typing..or dialing a number..and talking about serious stuff that made me think (SEE NEW POST) My brain almost didn't work!

Anyway, I'll probably be late for church tomorrow lol so I should go


At 9:13 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

It's starts at 9:15..I'm late

At 12:58 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

I didn't even try to make it to sunday school. I just set my alarm for 9:30 and made it for church. And even with the eight hours of sleep I'm STILL exhausted. And holy crap! You've got like four new posts in the last two days. lol, I'll look over them and try to find something to comment on.

And having been in a secular college before, I understand what you're talking about in this post. During the year that I went to community college I only knew one of person who claimed to be a Christian, and she kinda creeped me out so I didn't really talk to her much (although I have some funny stories about her). Luckily the college is in my own town, so I was able to stay at home and keep going to my own church. I found that it was my friendships with Mark and Neil that kept me strong, and I'm sure God was working through them to help me through the year.

Being homeschooled made college even harder, since I had been sheltered from all the crap that goes on in secular places. Going from never hearing bad words to hearing 100+ f-bombs a day was a bit of a shock. And I was in a class with 22 girls who didn't care about talking about anything in front of the single guy in class, so it was hard listening to stories about them sleeping with guys, getting drunk, and the fun of pregnancy and hot flashes. It was NOT fun for me. But yeah, God helped me through and I'm sure he'll do the same for you. And I'm glad to hear that you've found a great church to be part of. I don't really know you, but I'll keep you in my prayers. Stay strong!

At 3:32 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Thanks Doug,

That was a super long post!!

I am in church at Moncton Wesleyan..nice church..really super friendly..but..not's odd..

Maybe it's just because it's the city..not sure..


I was bored this weekend (I stayed in Moncton) so I didn't have much else to do..sorry for so many posts! lol

At 8:29 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

Oh, I wasn't complaining about the amount of posts. I'm always annoyed that everyone *cough* Becky, Darrek and J-Ro*cough* never updates on a regular basis. I never have new posts to comment on.

At 9:14 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...


I don't think any of them read my blog..atleast not very often..

Josh is the worst though..we're gonna have to stop hanging out with him for sure..

At 8:04 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Well it's mutual Jess! lol


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