Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Day 5

Okay..so the original thought was that I had to post EVERYDAY! But then I got super busy and I was kinda sad that I wasn't keeping up with it..THEN I went and looked at the person's blog who I stole it from..and he didn't do it in order! SWEET!

Today I am blessed because of the wonderful kids that are going to NYC! Seriously...each one of them has a piece of my heart. I love them all and I want to streach them and pus they to go further into Jesus then I thought possible, and they thought possible!
There is a great group of kids that have really taken to me..and I love them! Oh baby I love them! They're the most kind and generous and non-judgemental people EVER! I love them..and as much as I want to affect them..they're affecting me..

I love them...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Day 4

Health..I know it's a super obvious one but I really am thankful of it.

Chelsey had a really bad headache today and if I get a headache it's a big deal! Not because it hurts really bad (although they do) it's because I rarely get them! I might get the occasional cold but nothing too serious.

The last time I went to the doctor was last fall when I was super stressed out and my back went out (they thought I might have blown a hole in my lung..weird eh?..but not the case) and the time before that I think it was for a broken arm...

I don't even have a family doctor! I am just never sick. I've been brought up into a family that you just don't go to the doctor! And actually I think people abuse our medical system. They have one little sniffle and they run to the doctor! D-U-M-B! Sometimes I wish we had a medical system where you had to pay 20 bucks to go see the doctor. Or atleast 20 bucks for a non-life threatening illness in the ER. Like...if you want to go to the doctor today for your cold..but you haven't made an appointment..then you can go..but it's gonna cost you 20 bucks..I think people might be more apt to make an appointment then...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Day 3

I'm thankful for new beginnings..

The past two weeks I've been trying to streach myself over a multitude of tasks. Full time school work, homework, being a youth leader, volunteering at the church office, hanging out with friends, and going to church. It's impossible to do all of that in one week and I can definetly tell you that my social life hasn't been suffering. I just got back a test and I got 50% on it...which in University is a pass..but that's not the point.

I've cut things out..no MSN for two weeks (well..atleast a week..)...the TV is only on for a little while (even though I'm not a tv watcher anyway) and I've FINALLY realized..that I just can't volunteer at the church office. I'm way too busy!

I have a test tomorrow...probably won't pass it..but I should go hit the books again. I thank God that these two tests are only worth 10% (it's a lot..but not as bad as it could be!) and I pray that he helps me get my priorities in gear..and my butt as well.

Thank God for new beginnings...you don't have to wait until January 1st..but you can decide right now to make a new beginning......

Day 2...

I was reminded today of the great friends that I have had placed in my life.

Today I am thankful that God helped me make wise decisions when I was younger. I see all the kids at youth group suffering from depression, cutting, eating disorders, alcoholism, sexual addiction, bad relationships with their parents, low self-esteem, drug addictions and other variety of things.

Yeah, I've struggled through things. People would be so shocked to learn things about me...and honestly I have a list of 10 things that people wouldn't know about me. But generally I've made good decisions. I've never smoked, or did drugs of any kind, I've never had sex, and I have a great relationship with my parents. I'm so lucky that my struggles are struggling to live my life biblically and not struggling to live my life!

Monday, January 22, 2007

40 Days of Blessings

Note this has been stolen from another random blog I've stepped into...thank you!

I am so thankful for great friends! Today wasn't a bad day..it was a..meh day..and a really great friend was able to bring me out of it! I am totally blessed in the friend area.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


In Moncton, New Brunswick it is currently -24. With the windchill it's -37.
I walked to school this morning with two hats on, two pairs of mittens, and a scarf.
I am sitting in class with a hoodie and winterboots on and I am not warm.
Not cold.
But definately not warm.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Randomness of the Day....

Today at the end of class my mom called me and asked me for my address....Why..BECAUSE I'VE BEEN GIVEN JURY DUTY! And..if you've talked to anyone in Carleton County lately you know what the biggest trial is...THE WINDMILL-FINNAMORE CASE!!!!!!

Don't worry though..I'm not going to be able to because I haven't lived in Woodstock for very long.