Saturday, November 25, 2006

What a night..

Okay so I randomly stayed out until 3am this morning. It is currently 4 am but because I am feeling sick I cannot sleep. I hate it when this happens because I am SOOOOOOO tired!

We started out at McD's eating some food (I will admit I haven't been eating well in..not at all..I dunno what's up with that) ended up taking a picture of ourselves at the Riverview sign *you know the one that lights up like Hollywood?

I've seen accidents *God's will be done*, gone to the big stop (at like 2!), waited in the car after being freaked out about stories of the devil's church, been at random people's homes.

Ahh..I can't think any more..I'll edit this when I am more focused (and probably procrastinating on the report)..

Edit: (The rest of the story..and yes I am procrastinating from the report)

8:00--Shawna and Mark arrive...we hang out until 10:00 eating some food.
Which also includes Mark calling a random pastors house in Alma to see what the name of the Pizza shop in town was...and then him calling the pizza shop (we didn't go because they were closing shortly gah..)
10:00 McDonalds, and taking pictures in front of the riverview sign...poor Shawna she had crazy high heels on! We ended up in Hillsbourough taking AE pictures for Mark in front of the water tower. Then we checked out Sobeys at the mall...originally the plan for Sobeys was to make a quote poster of random quotes but we ended up going bowling with the mustard and can of MANWHICH. I hope that Mark bowls better in real life than Manwhich bowling lol...
12:15. We end up back at Mark's house..checking out his room and talking to his roommate. THEN Shawna gets the bright idea to start falling asleep..NO we call up some people at Owen's house..and go and pick them up (Chester and Serge?) to go to Salisbury Big Stop for a snack.
So it's somewhere close to 1-ish and we meet up with some more people that everyone else but me knows. They had some interesting stories about Moncton Christian Acadmey though...
So we decide it's about time to go home..seeing at how it's like 1:30-2:00-ish...

Before we go home..we go and check out the scales coming into Moncton...not really sure why..but we did. Come to think of it I'm not really sure why we did ANYTHING..but we did..
So then someone starts telling stories about Satan's church..and random ghost stories...and it's flippin' 2:30! And SOMEONE gets the wonderful idea of going to check out a tower in the middle of the woods.

We had to drive by an accident (which looked really bad). Then we get to a little road..that has a TON of rocks and stuff in front of head is screaming bad I decide not to go in with them. I lock all the doors and sit in my car with the heat cranked for when they get back in...Serge comes back before the rest of them..which was kinda funny..but wasn't eventful. So we drop everyone else off..and go home..

I have decided that I am NOT a late nighter...oh I'll do it..but I pay for it later....all day saturday..after sleeping 8 hours I felt horribly ill.. and then I was late for church this morning..
I choose to blame it on Mark mostly cause Shawna's so sweet..and girls have to stick together and why blame yourself when you can blame someone else lol....

It was a great night. Any one up for a random road trip?


At 8:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice..sounds like you had a fun night out..
(except for the feeling sick part)..
Hope you have a great weekend..
see you soon..

At 4:08 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...


It was an INTENSE night out lol!

We were at the big stop until like 2!!!!

Shawna and Mark are really super cool!


At 12:09 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...
wow...2..thats really)

Yea..they sound like really kool people..(they are)

see ya later
talk to you soon.


At 12:47 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What nteresting things did they have to say about Moncton Christian Academy..?

sounds like you guys had an wsome time(now that ive read the hwole story..:P)

have a good one..

At 10:54 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im up for a road trip! Can i drive? we'll have to during christmas break! catch ya on the flip side


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