Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Battle of the bands..revised

After a conversation with a pastor from the Moncton area I would like to say to all that I have changed my stance on the battle of the bands a tad bit.
Note:I still support the outreach ways of Moncton Welseyan including Battle of the Bands. I understand the reasoning behind it, and the purpose of why we do what we do.
With that said..I was opened to the idea to this:
Parents in Moncton allowed their kids to go to Battle of the Bands at Moncton Wesleayn because it's a church. With the negative media attention that Battle of the bands has recieved the pastors that let their children go to battle of the bands are now asked to explain their actions. How hard is that for them? To have to explain something when they don't even really know what happened. A lot of churches in the GMA are very traditional and I can expect that there were more than a few people upset about this.
The reasoning that I have a partial change of heart is the fact that churches and people within and without the church are arguing about whether it was right or wrong. The purpose of battle of the bands was to introduce people to the church not create division and I for one can attest to the fact that I have felt personally attacked by close friends because of our differing beliefs on battle of the bands. I must also admit that because I FELT personally attacked I in turn attacked back. I am preaching at others saying how awesome battle of the bands was...and I, myself, have missed the point entirely!
I still believe that the church needs to be constantly changing their outreach ways. What worked last year may not work this year. I give the challenge that for those of you who so strongly are against battle of the bands...find something...anything (short of sinning) that will bring kids into the church and continue to pray for us as we go out there, into a spiritual battleground, and take back the kids of our city.


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