Monday, November 20, 2006


Well.. I can honestly say that not much has happened lately. My life has been quite boring and I'm glad. I am the type of person that I will go OUT of my way to not have drama in my life. I do not like drama!

"Passed down from generations too far back to trace,
I can see all my relations when I look into my face,
May never make it famous but I'll never bring it shame,
It's my last name"
One of the most important things to me is my family and I think that's why it's been so tough to go to be going through the stuff that I have been. I take great pride in the things my family has done and the decisions that they have made. Often I feel this enormous pressure to put aside the dreams and ambitions that I have for myself to live the legacy that my parents and grandparents have worked so hard to provide me with the option of. I often forget that I have the matter how hard that the other option may be. Praise God for free will.
I will never make my name famous...but I refuse to bring it shame. That's one of the things that I love about Christianity...if you follow the bible like the bible was meant to be wont bring myself or my family shame.
One of the things that I have been considering is hypenating my name when I get married or even not changing my name at all. I'm not opposed to changing my name...but..I'm also not completely decided on changing my name. It's something that I want to discuss with everyone I know..their reasonings for their decision...and mostly..I find it interesting....
Till then..


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