Saturday, March 25, 2006

On a rainy day..I can see Your face in the clouds..

I love how even in the midst of bad can see God..sometimes even more than in a good day. Although I probably wont tell anyone besides those who already know my family has recently found out about a drug addiction of a family member that is very close to us. I will not disclose the name mostly because my dad has always said "Never write down what you don't want others to know" and if this person overcomes their addictions to cocaine and crystal meth I don't want them to be reminded of it daily by people who don't need to know. Honestly though, it's killing me and it's the only reason why I'm blogging my feelings about it. Last Sunday at church I handed it over to God. Marc Belliveau (he's so awesome) was a guest at the Fusion Service and they did a talk show kind of thing where he talked about his life before God. Marc was a messed up guy, into drugs, and drinking. His testimony really gave me faith about the current situation. They gave an altar call, and honestly I can't remember what they called it for. I just knew that I needed to be there.

I love the altar. I love just being able to crawl up on the lap of God and in humility proclaim that there will always be situations in my life that I can't handle on my own, and the ones that I think I am handling on my own..I really am not. Another thing, about this specific trip to the altar that I loved was at church that night I had sat with three kids from youth and it was cool. When I ran to the altar (and yes..I literally ran) I dunno when, but eventually they came down to and prayed for me. Being a youth leader at Moncton Wesleyan, sometimes we just think that we have to uplift the kids 100% of the time. One of the girls hugged me afterwards and said "I'm so glad you're my youth leader"! It was just what I needed at the time.

Anyways, I'm out. I'm attending the wake of a young boy from the Kix program. His step-sister is in my small group. If you read this between now and 2:30pm tomorrow...prayers are necessary.

Praise Often
Witness Always
Rock Steady



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