Monday, February 13, 2006

My guilty pleasure...

The Bachelor..yeah that's right..hunky men..gorgeous PARIS..

What can I say..I'm a sucker for a hot doctor who just can't seem to get a date...hmm..maybe the next one would like to date a not-as-hot accountant?

So here's what I think..Sarah all the way! Doctor's and Kindergarten teachers are so meant for each other! She actually looks like a REAL person. Pretty..but not so pretty that she makes others feel uncomfortable! and at the rose ceremony she didn't flaunt everything she's got...

I'll be super upset if she leaves tonight!

One thing that kinda weirds me out about the show..although it's just editing I'm sure..all of a sudden there's a huge pause and there's a kiss (or make out session..) that's weird..

Although I can't say I'm amazingly well versed in the art of kissing..but if everytime I stopped talking someone planted one on me..I'd get a lil weirded out (ha..I know what you're thinking..when would I ever stop talking!) but yeah..that's the only SUPER weird thing about the show..cause lets face it..the whole idea of the Bachelor is unnatural..


At 3:33 a.m., Blogger Doug said...

*cue the "I have nothing to add about a girly show" and "I'll wait until the next post to say something relevant, or maybe not so relavent" comments from Doug*

(not trying to be negative or anything though. ;))

*continues crying about AD being over*

At 8:25 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

There you go Jolyne! I'm totally with you on the adidacolour! They rock!


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