Sunday, January 29, 2006

Pink hair, family, friends, and God....


No one is blogging any more! Not even my awesome blog buddy I have to do my duty and BLOG!

This weekend I dyed part of my hair PINK...yup..the name of the dye was HOT HOT PINK..and HOT HOT PINK it is..That was Friday night. Danielle, Kate and I stayed up until 1:30 (I didn't get home until 2:30) in the am doing it! lol WE were super tired by the end of it..but I love it..

Needless to parents don't..I love how I've gone beyond the stage of having to ask my parents permission to do everything..Although I may ask my parents permission on some's more of a ..."what's your opinion" than permission..

A friend's mother who I am very close with says that she thinks that doing things like this (aka dying your hair extreme colours) presents an image to people (she was hinting at a bad image and towards guys..) so I kinda wonder what your guys opinion is on the topic?

I think as a girl my hair presents the image that I am outgoing and spontaneous..but does it show that I am rebelleous? I also think about how many people I'll be able to share the gospel with because of it...SO many people think that Christianity is about rules..and in a legalistic society dying my hair pink may be deemed a "SIN"...but I think that when people see me wearing pink hair they'll see that there's freedom in Christ and not slavery. So people who have been classified as "different" may be able to come to Christ...I also don't think that I am being rebelleous...although my parents say that they hate it..they didn't sit me down and tell me to dye my hair back..(and they haven't said that they hate it..when I bring up the subject they say that they dont like it) although I could see how THAT would be a sin..I don't think I am sinning (please shed some light on this if you choose)

I'm also giving the message at IVCF on's about Expecting things from God when you pray..and I'm using Acts 3:1-10 (off the top of my head..may not be excatly correct..) as my bible verses...sweet eh? Although we didn't make much progess up until Christmas..we are NOW currently a IVCF of THREE students! Praise God..although Serge will be leaving in less than 6 weeks..we still have Jonathan (erm..I think that's his name) who's taking Civil at the college and myself..We've also been thinking about doing the alpha course..or something along that pray for us!

Nan sent down bread (which is half gone already!) which I am muchly appreciating! I was a bit worried this week as I over spent last week (darn cruise..I have to buy clothes for it! and I can't even wear it until then!) but God's totally in control...I tithed this week as regular (something that in the past I haven't been so hot at) and I said okay said you'd provide for me..and now I need some help..Although my dad gave me some extra money..I'm still going to try to make it on my own with out using his money..It shouldn't be too bad..just NO extras..(which is a super hard thing to do) which grocery shopping this week..or eating in the cafeteria...BUT..the Lord is faithful..I know I'll be okay..(and..if I get really bored..I have gift certificates from Christmas that I can use to go out to eat and to the movies Woo hoo!)

Anyway..this is kinda short/long..but I have to go now..I have a math test to do tomorrow worth 10% of my mark..God..I'm gonna need your help tomorow!

Moncton Missionary..

Krystle Lynn


At 3:51 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

I don't think dying your hair should be an issue. You're an adult now and you don't live at home, so the choice should be yours. I think it's just important to make mature decisions and listen to advice.

One reason I don't get along well with my dad is because he's always telling me how I should run my life, when I'm nearly 25 years old and should be able to make decisions on my own. Does he really have the right to tell me that I'm not allowed to buy a certain thing or go to town two days in a row? I'd appreciate him a lot more if he just gave advice rather than orders.

Anyways, I'll end my rant there. I hope the speech thing goes well. The book of Acts is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Really uplifting. And I can't believe that there's actually someone with the name Serge. I thought it was only a game character. Oh well, I guess the name is logical. It's not like finding a guy who's name is Sephiroth (although there ARE young kids who have that name thanks to their idiot gamer parents).

At 5:05 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Well Serge is it sounds better with a french accent..

At 4:45 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

? Thanks Darrek for that..INSIGHTFUL..experience..


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