Saturday, December 10, 2005


Is confusing...

When I figure it out more..I'll post more..

But..because you guys deserve a REAL post..and not just a poem that i want to keep forever...

Why I love Justin:

1. He's amazing..he treats me like a princess and I'm not even dating him..
2. He tells me the things that I cannot see in myself.
3. He and I have done "it" on the pastor's table...haha..can't wait to see the replies to this one!
4. He's there for just the right moment...
5. He cares when I cry..
6. He would rent a car..just to come down and see me
7. He argues with me on which one of us is sleeping on the couch or in the
8. He gets me..better than any girl I've ever known...
9. We go from never talking to one bestest buddies in 2.5 seconds..
10. He introduced me to the life has never been the same..
11. He only brings up the fact that I liked Nick every day..
12. He took me to JoyFM and took me on the tour with the big dog..
13. We made a pact that if either of us had a terminal illness we'd get married...for obvious
14. When I talk about a boy I like..the first question is "Is he a Christian?"
15. He's like a big brother..without the screaming and fighting..
16. We've both liked (liked!!) each other at one point in our lives..but it hasn't affected our friendship!
17. We OPENLY talked about "back in the day" when we liked (liked!!) each other...and we use it to encourage each other...odd I know..but it works!
18. He makes me smile...I like that..
19. He referrs to any boy that I think is cute as "the lucky guy"
20. He called me pretty! Ahhh..swoon..even if it wasn't that exact made me happy!

Love ya buddy!

Have a great night!


At 3:57 p.m., Blogger Krystle said... we're just awesome friends..he's in a serious relationship..JUST FRIENDS! not that I'm's pretty sweet just to be able to talk to the guy


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