Thursday, December 01, 2005

What I can't live without...

1. My dad...
.....I love him beyond words..he's amazing and my inspiration

2. My faith
....these really aren't in any particular order..but I love the fact that I believe in something so I don't get caught up in stupid things (sometimes I do..just not SOME stupid things) and it opens up some really good conversations!

3. The internet.. keeps me connected to everyone!!

4. Animals..
...even in my apartment there is dogs upstairs..and..if I didn't go home really often I'd buy a fish or something! Maybe I'll get an automatic feeder!

5. A Car!
...oh my goodness..I'd DIE without a car! My mom's always taught me to depend on myself! So that's what I'll do! And I can't do that without a car! lol


At 3:18 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

I'd make my own list, but I can't really think of things to say today. It would actually be quite similar to yours. My mom (my relationship with my dad is horrible, but my mom has had a huge impact on my life), my faith and relationship with God, and my cats. Last spring I would've put videogames on there too, but they don't mean much to me anymore.


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