Friday, November 18, 2005

Why I Hate Moncton

Sorry guys..can't guarantee this will be a top ten..I'm just going to keep writing until I stop..

1. The taxis look like cop-cars
---White Crown Victorias...and while I was discussing this with a friend I realized that the only cop cars I've seen..or that I've noticed have been a little truck and a van...

2. No one wants to help you
It's the typical city mentality...I guess it's everywhere

3. Jolyne says the french (she is french) and the municiple gov (I have to agree with that one)
The government sucks because who makes stupid laws can't park on the wouldn't find that back home!

4. No one looks at you when you're walking down the street.
You'd think if someone was going to jump you, you'd rather look at them and get a good visual to tell the cops later...

5. Walk lights....
When I walk to school someone's always ahead of me so I have to wait for the traffic to start and then stop again...I haven't braved out into walking across the road when it says not to..but I have seen it done..and it is now my life mission

6. When you go out between 4-6:30 in car you don't know if you're going to live or die
Honestly, where does all this traffic come from?

7. Going to the mall is no big deal...
For the record...I've been to the mall twice..and one time all I bought was a smoothie (It cost 5 bucks..which leads me to the next point)

8. Everything is so darn expensive..
Except for gas (which I can appreciate now) everyone seems to want to pay 20 million dollars for everything

9. No one knows who you are...or cares for that mater..
I went into the car dealership and told them just to bill my parents company and they wouldn't...had I been in Woodstock it would not have been a problem.

10. Everyone thinks that I have lived here my entire life and that I go to ABU...
If I had lived here my entire life...or I lived on rez at ABU..I would have friends...nuf said..

11. My friends aren't here...
You know..the ones that I made so easily back home..Andrew Smith for example..I just showed up at his church..and now we're great buddies...Kate..I made her my friend just by hanging out with Andrew..and now I'd consider her one of my best friends..I miss the Smiths!!!


13. Sirens..
In their defense I rarely hear them now...

14. I can see it..but it still takes 20 minutes to get there..
20 mins back home gets me almost to Kate and Andrew's house...and they live far away..

That's it for now...I'll add more when I live here longer..


At 12:21 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

I thought of another...

15..Seeing a plane in the sky isn't special any more.. :(

At 12:02 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

I don't know if I could handle living in the city. Fredericton wouldn't be too bad, because I have friends there already, but to move to a city where you have no friends would be really hard. So I understand your complaints. I'm also one of those country people, so most of your points make perfect sense. Although I've never seen the big deal about seeing planes in the sky. Every time I drive through Toronto with my parents they spaz out when a plane flies over the car. Last time one passed over us only 30 feet over the ground, and we sat there for 30 minutes just to see another one do it. I was like, "It's just a frickin plane! You see them in movies and pictures all the time!" And going to the mall sucks when you can't spend money.

At 9:42 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

16..I hate not being able to go to the mall and being able to walk in a straight line...too many people've never seen a plane in the sky and been like "Hey, look a plane!" ?

Well, they don't do that here..

At 10:28 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

17. The Country is never a terriost threat...

Maybe Moncton isn't either..but more so than Carleton County

At 12:12 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the hell are you from?!

Moncton is hardly a big city and hardly expensive. Try living in a real city and see how you make out.

One a side you. You're awfully bitchy for someone who calls themselves Christian. Aren't you people supposed to be optomistic?

You sound like a jackass to me.

At 7:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,man.I will trade ya! You can come live in Regina instead! Nobody minds their own business when you walk down the street or go anywhere out in public here! I'd kill to be able to not be gawked at and harassed by assholes every time I went out in public.


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