Saturday, November 26, 2005

That's my baby's daddy!..The living Christmas Tree..and other Friday night adventures

So yesterday my friend Justin was suppose to come down and we were suppose to come to the living Christmas Tree...God OBVIOUSLY had different plans! Not even kidding! I would have loved for Justin to come..but God wanted something different. So I was asking a ton of people to go and I e-mailed my friend Jessica (we play basketball together) and asked if she wanted to come (and here's the stupid part) before I got her reply back I asked if anyone wanted to go to TLC (The Living Christmas Tree) and Krista, Sarah, and Daisy all said they wanted to go. Now, here's a problem..the tickets are completely sold out and I only had one extra! (I had totally forgot that I had e-mailed Jess to see if she wanted to go) So they asked when was it..and because it was Friday night Krista, and Daisy either had promised their aunt that they'd babysit or that they had to work. So Sarah said she'd go. That was great! I love Sarah! When I got back to my class I checked my mail and there was a msg from Jess (oh no!) but she said that she had a ton of homework and wouldn't be attending. (Thank you God!) So I picked Sarah up, and we had a BLAST! Not even kidding guys..I'm so gonna be in TLC next year. It's AMAZING! And it's theater! I miss it so much!! And it's singing! I love singing! (even though I can't do it with music! HA!)

There was the psyco Christmas tree where they had "the lighting of the tree" and the tree's lights went pysco (it was intentional) but it was so amazing! Every bit of it! Sarah loved it to!

So after I dropped Sarah off I went and caught the last 17 mins of the boys game. They were playing Akerly and it was a close game (refs here suck!!! FYI) and there was some white chick up in the stands screaming at the boys..and at one time she screamed "yeah that's my man" and I said to the girls around me "Yeah that's my baby's daddy"...I really did feel bad because as Christian I probably shouldn't say things like that...but it was so true! She was acting retarted! I wondered if she was for real! So the girls and I laughed pretty hard core about her for awhile and then she yells at the boys on our team something like "shut the f-up" and she's like yeah you two girls down in the corner to..I didn't know what to do..if I was feeling brave I should jumped up and said it's a GAME sista friend! (In my best ghetto voice) ..but I was worried about my saftey..

So I went rented a movie and went to bed..(The perfect man is a good movie BTW) ..

Now today I'll probably clean up the joint..and go to the guys game tonight at 6..and then go hang out with Tyson and do something.

Kristina's having a baby! Do you realize how incredibly happy that makes me?!?!? My best friend from high school (I guess that's what her title would be) is havin' a baby! I can't wait to go and buy lil baby Andrew/Kristina something..actually a lot of things! I just want to buy a ton of things! I want to take her out shopping and take her out to eat..and do all of that stuff! We had a GREAT 45 min conversation just about babies..and baby things! The baby is due in July, so that means that after she comes home from the hospital..if she needs something I can help her out! Kristina is a really great friend (for anyone looking to make a really great friend) she was the type of friend that would tell you what you need to know..not what you wanted to hear..She loved you enough to tell you how it was..and what was happening...and she knew that if she waited until later it would hurt more. The doctors have said because of the morning sickness she MAY be having twins (not a def. thing) be in prayer for that..Kris would like to have twins and then they come out smaller and don't hurt AS bad..Man..this makes me want to go home..Thankfully I'll be able to be around about a month before the baby(S) are born..and a month afterwards as well!

aAnyway..this has taken forever to I'm out for the day..



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