Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Danielle might be moving to Moncton!! WOO HOO!

Can you believe how amazing that would be?

Not only could I move out of here (Why I hate my apartment is another list soon coming to my blog)..but I also wouldn't be super lonely cause I'd have Danielle to hang out with..

The only thing I'd be concerned about is us fighting..but..we'll set some rules...and it'll be all good...hopefully..

Be in prayer for that guys!

I got some christmas gifts today..when I went shopping with Tyson...it's a great time..

Anyway..I'm sleepy...and I have a MAJOR marketing presentation tomorrow..be in prayer for that! And Danielle and I moving in together..it's not a done deal yet..

But if she does come...she's another Youth Leader for MW!! WOOT!



At 12:53 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

Nice. I hope it all works out. Maybe you won't hate Moncton so much. I should probably finish my Christmas shopping too. I still have to get something my my sister and brother-in-law. Oh, and my grandparents, but I just get them chocolates every year, so they can wait.

At 5:19 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

that would be so awesome if danielle moved to moncton! then both of u would be closer!! and itd be good for u to have a friend there with you other than just tyson...goodness knows how much fun THAT could possibly be! hahahahaha jk jk! Tysons a good guy! lol..anyways, ill keep that it my prayers! :):)


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