Tuesday, December 06, 2005

God is so faithful

Earlier this week I was talking to my friend who is stressing out major time. Both of us had strayed away from God commands at one point in the past few months...and we felt the same way...totally alone...

After having an awesome chat with him..I went over and did devotions..and got on my face and apologized to God for trying to go my own way.

God's amazing eh?

Sometimes it's like how in Middle School we keep having a new best friend every year...we'd get in a fight with a friend..and then switch to the other..and then fight with that one and then switch back...

It was so like that with me, the devil and God...
I go tired of the rules..God put rules in my life to make it better..but I wasn't seeing it the way..so I became friends with the devil (without really knowing it)..and then I decided that I don't like his rules either! I want to be crazy sold out for Jesus! Not just a Christian by name! God is the best friend in the entire world! You can forget about Him..and then come back..and his arms are always open..24/7...

I'm not saying that you should abuse this amazing privilege we're given...you're selling your own self short to be in spiritual diapers your entire life...

I also got to thinking that my dreams of having an on-fire husband was totally out of reality..why should I deserve that if I'm not equally as sold out on Jesus as he? And because Jesus wasn't number one in my life..my husband wouldn't look sideways at me..Thank God! I would expect my husband to have only the best..lol..

But...I would like to stand and testify to God's goodness...I've got that spunk..that...let's tell everyone about Jesus!! spark..fire..FOREST FIRE..in my heart! Man, I missed that!

So..anyone wanna talk about God?



At 11:46 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

i KNOW what u mean !! a week or so ago i was just like "God i need you, i have stopped growing, lets bring this back!!" and its so reassuring to know that no matter how far u go from God He never ever goes anywhere, it is always us that grow away, He is constant!! sigh..i LOVE GOD!!

At 12:36 p.m., Blogger Doug said...

Great post! I don't really have time to go in-depth with my comment since I'm at the library and only have like 30 minutes to get everything done, but I agree with you 100%. When I get my computer back I'll make a real comment.


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