Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wynonna and messing with the truth..

"This next song saved me through a time, you know how music does that? How you walk through that time, and there's always a song there. Well after my father died, I never met him, I went through a real period of not sure what to do next. You know those times in your life when you know how to work, you know how to get up in the morning, but when the quiet stillness of the night come you kind of sit there and go 'Well is this what it's all about?' And in a flash, I realized that though I never got to meet my earthly father, I will meet my heavenly father and I believe that and I'm just gonna say it because it's my show. And then I heard this next song and it blew my soul wide open. It became my anthem during that time. "

This is what Wynonna said right before she sang I Can Only Imagine in her concert. I listen to this song pretty much everyday just to listen to her speech. I want my soul to be blown wide open, but right now I'm at the stillness in the night where I'm thinking "Well is this what it's all about?" I don't know if I'm suppose to be waiting, is this my stillness in the night, or if I'm suppose to be working..

I thank God because I was at a point in my life..where I wasn't growing..and God wasnt the focus in my life (look at my past blog entries..that's enough proof) but now..I'm just sorta stuck..I want my devotion life to be something where I'm learning things..but I feel as if I need to have some back ground information...I dunno..everything I need is in the bible..Can't mess with truth...


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