Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Paul Martin LIES!!!

I was just watching him on tv and he's talking about how much time he's spent in "atlantic canada".......uh...Halifax is only one part of Atlantic Canada...and if he spent so much friggin' time in Atlantic Canada during his "reign" why is it that I've met Stephen Harper and not him?

Paul Martin...the change that I want..is you...OUT!

(I love the fact that I can vote this year!)


At 2:45 a.m., Blogger Doug said...

I can't see myself voting for Paul Martin after the whole scandal and all the lies. While the other guys could be lying through their teeth too, I'd much rather go with Harper. And I've never gotten too excited about being able to vote the last few years. The main reason I do so is that the voting station is in my front yard, so all I have to do is walk down to the raquetball court. Yes, I'm lazy.

At 1:55 p.m., Blogger bataylor said...

hahaha yay voting is fun!! lol..wait...i think? i havent actually done it yet...but ya, im all about the conservatives!! :):)

o and ps, i really HATE having this word verification thing to type in before i can post this!! argh, it makes commenting such a pain!! lol...meh, the sacrifices i make for u! ;)


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