Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Later Moses says to God, "Now show me your glory."

Which is our way of saying, "I need more. I need something I can see. Something tangible."

God's response? He tells Moses to go stand on a rock, because he's going to pass by. he explains to Moses that no one can see him and live, so he'll cover Moses with his hand (God's hand?) as he passes by, and then hes says, "I will remove my hand and you will see my back."

The ancient rabbis has all sorts of things to say about this passage, but one of the most fascinating things they picked up on is the part about God's back. They argued that in the original Hebrew language, the word back should be understood as a euphemism for "where I just was".

It is as if God is saying, "The best you're going to do, the most you are capable of, is seeing where I...just...was."

Taken from Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell

I was having a discussion last night with an older friend, and I was talking about how my journy to Moncton began a year ago in January. I had given up on the Pentecostal Church I was in..not really getting anything out of the service and left and went to the church of a guy that I thought was cute (no worries all..nothing ever came out of it...nor will anything EVER come out of it..). At first I had left for the wrong reasons. I wasn't satisfied in church anymore, and the boy was cute. The devil meant it for evil, God meant it for good. When I first went to Hartland Wesleyan questions that I had for months were answered. I met the Smiths (who are now super super important in my life) and things were going good. When I finally moved to Moncton I went to the Wesleyan Church first day. The only reason why I went to MW was because I went to a Wesleyan Church back home. By Monday I was invited to a youth leader meeting. By Thursday I had a meeting to become a youth leader. By Friday I was a youth leader. Now looking back on it I can see where God was working....but at the time..I really thought I was just doing my own thing.

I just thought that it was super cool to read about that in this book.

Also, just wondering what you all think about the Trinity. In Velvet Elvis it claims that no where in the bible can you find the word Trinity, and that the word "trinity" was used to explain God being everywhere, and eventually it became a doctorine (Doctorine is a wonderful servant and a horrible master.) What do you think about that?

Excited for learning more about Jesus!



At 9:25 p.m., Blogger Krystle said...

Yeah it does!..but I seem to have this problem with replacing my bible reading with "good books" and then oddly not finish the books..and picking my bible back

At 8:10 a.m., Blogger Krystle said...

For it said in Velvet Elvis. The bible was written by people..and then it was decided by PEOPLE what was to be put in the bible..and we have to have faith that God was working when they worked on the bible..


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