Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Gone is the time...

Gone is the time of wearing two hats, two pairs of mittens, two sweaters and a coat.

Gone is the time of slipping on the ice while two old men across the street stand and talk.

Gone is the time of moving my car because if I don't they'll plow me into a snowbank

Gone is the time my glasses fogging up when I come inside

(and almost falling down the stairs because of it)

Gone is the time of huddling under three blankets, one of them being electric,

because I can't justify turning on the heat.

Gone is the time of praying that I'll finally get a snow day.

(I know it's just never going to happen now)


Now are the days where I can walk to school in a sweater, and I don't really mind not being able to park my car where I live because it's not cold when I walk to get it! Now are the days when, on occasion, I actually walk home for lunch instead of grabbing it at the cafeteria. But even more importantly......

Now are the days when I can wear my CROCS. I love my CROCS. They are the most comfortable shoes that I own! If you know me at all you know that when I do stenous activity (an intense amount of walking) or with certain weather patterns my legs will hurt. Right before Mom and I went on vacation she picked me up these exact CROCS. At first I thought they were REALLY ugly, but I never once complained about my legs on the cruise. And now it feels like I'm floating on a cloud. Today was the first day I've worn them in 2007 and I'm honestly excited! As ugly as people think they are, I think of them as the little lost puppy dog. So ugly that they're cute!

As soon as these "puppies" come to Canada. They're mine! Dress shoes that are CROCS?! AMAZING!

I also own these ones. They're my favourite and it suprises people when they see that they're CROCS.
What is your thoughts on CROCS? Cute? Ugly? Do you own a pair? Would you ever own a pair?

Monday, March 26, 2007


The past few weeks have been really intense weeks, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. College is retarded and very stressful and when I get stressed out I always focus on the most "important" or what needs to be done right away. My devotional life has gone out the window. When I look through my journal my last devotion was February! Yikes! Isn't it funny that even though I know how important devotions are I'm not currently doing them? Oh, trust me I've suffered but even still, in my own stupidity, I don't do my devotions. In my own stupidity they were the FIRST thing to go. I was driving around the other day singing Christian songs and I felt so FAKE. It was an experience that I've never felt before. Just 100% fake.

The devil is not stupid. Sometimes when I think about God I only think about how awesome He is, and how strong HE is but yet I forget about how cunning the devil is and how the devil has tricked people way smarter and more important than me into following him. I have never had such huge periods of doubt to the point where I'm really questioning it all.

I've always believed that questioning what you believe is super important and absolutely necessary to stay "on fire" but I've come to the point where I just keep reminding myself to not do something stupid that's going to completely wreck my testimony or the opportunities that God has placed in my life. One of my biggest doubts is why Christians today are "New Testament" Christians. Why aren't we following the Old Testament? I know that Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law not break it, but I don't understand how following Jesus means not following the Old Testament too. I also know that if I had to do the things that they did in the Old Testament then I probably wouldn't be a Christian. Stoning people isn't my idea of fun.

I know the problem. I know the cure. I know that I lack the energy, the time, and the desire to spend time fixing it. It's become the last thing on the list to do on a list of so many unimportant things.

Don't give me the line "God only wants a relationship with you. Don't worry about the rules". It's beyond this. I admit, I try to force my relationship with God. I admit that I don't have life together and I admit that often I PRETEND that I have life together. I also will NEVER say that a relationship with God is about rules. I am 100% against that. There is nothing that you HAVE to do to be a Christian (except admit that you're a sinner), but I also believe that once you get closer to God you're going to want to do the things that please him. I also know that you're doing no one any favours by becoming a stronger Christian (except those that you might lead to Christ and that's not by you, that's by God's doing) and you're only hurting yourself by staying a baby Christian for life.

but not my will...but Yours....

Monday, March 12, 2007

Death to Self

We regret at this time to inform you of the death of Krystle.


Krystle is survived by her parents, and one brother, to which none she treated properly. She most generally lacked respect for anyone other than herself. She was quick tempered and had no patience for people who did not speak of things in a way that she approved of. She was very well known for only thinking of herself at all times. Krystle was also a gossip, a drunk, a liar,and a coward, and was quite successful at all of them. She also craved to be a crowd follower and a crowd pleaser, no matter the cost. One of the most prominent features Krystle properly maintained was her jealousy. The majority of her 14 years of life was spent desiring what her neighbour's had or just wanting more of what she herself had. She was never satisfied with the physical goods that she had acquired. She sucessfully alienated any person that ever desired to have a friendship with her. Krystle's philosophy in life was: "If it feels good--do it. If it hurts someone then they'll understand!"
Through out her menial existence her most sucessful accomplishment was she nailed Jesus Christ, Son of God, to the cross for a crime that she herself committed.